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A story untold

Pause, she said...

Each moment has a clearly defined place in history. I have a couple of questions for you.

Finding my way

I have decided to take a journey of self-reflection. I am taking time to plan the route. I have set a goal to find the path that leads to clarity and truth at breakneck speed. After all, I am going places and I have people to see!


I will be taking a giant step out of my own way and let the path unfold before me. I promise the journey will be more interesting. 


Will I know I'm on the right path? Do I have to walk alone?


The Journey Is On_edited.jpg
Image by Palash Jain

Who am I?

I have been traveling down the path of life for a little while now; I have learned but one thing.

The path goes on for an unknowable amount of time.

However, I have seen several places to pause along the way. I have not remembered to take a break during the pause in the path. 

Typically, I charge headlong into the wind with full force to the next pause. With any luck, I've made it to the next pause. My vehicle isn't very damaged, and I see a repair shop ahead.


What does the repair shop look like from the road?

How will I know it's time to stop?

Normal - What is that?

I am [insert adjective]. 


I am happy to report that most days, I am enough.

Some days, being enough and feeling like I am enough is a struggle.

Some days, I am more than enough; I even have enoughness to spare. 


My personal goal every day is to be enough. If that means I have to borrow from yesterday's overabundance of enoughness to cover today's shortage, I will. 

Top 50 quotes by Walter _Walt_ -  American poet, essayist,  journalist. _I exist as I am,
About: Work
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